Conduct Rules - References

1. G.O.Ms.No. 468 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. Dt: 17-04-1964.

2. G.O.Ms. 471 G.A. (Ser.C), Dept. dt. 17-09-1994 - Enhancing the limit on Purchase of movable properties from Rs. I 0,000 to Rs. 20,000

3. G.O.Ms. No. 137 G.A. (Ser.C), Dept. dt.05-05-1995 - Enhancing the limit on purchase of movable properties from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000

4. Memo. No. 1752/L&O-1/95-01 GAD (LW & Order II) Dept., dated:08-08-1995 Prohibition policy - violation by Govt. employees - guide lines

5. G.O.Ms.No.354, GAD (Ser.C) Dept., dated 08-08-1996 A.P. Civil Services (Conduct Rules) Amendment

6. Memo.No. 866/SC.D/96-2 GAD Dept., dt. 08-08-1996 Criticism of Govt. policies by Govt. Officials

7. Govt. Memo. No. 408/Ser.C/95-8 G.A. (Ser(I) Dept. dt. 23-08-1996 Receipt of foreign Currency up to Rs. 10,000/- In case of   constant remittance, enquiry by the ACB.

8. G.O.Ms.No. 393 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 06-09-1996 Prohibition of Drinking.

9. G.O.Ms.No. 26 GAD (Ser.C) Dept., dated 20-01-1998 Amendment to the Rule 9 of A.P. Civil Services (Conduct) Rules

10. G.O.Ms.No:72, GAD (Ser.C) Dept, dated 03-03-1998, Amendment to the Rule 3 of APCS (C)

11. Memo. No:56412, GAD (Ser.C) Dept., dated 18-09-1998 Amendment to the Rule 7 of APCS (C)

12. Memo. No:76883, GAD, (Ser.C) Dept., dt. 12-12-1998 Submission of Annual property statements

13. Memo No. 10304/Ser.C/2000 G.A. Dept., Dt. 27-03-2000 Proper Scrutiny of annual property returns

14. Memo.No.8832/Ser.C/2003-1, G.A. Dept., Dt.29-01-2003 Conduct Rules 1964 - Submission of Annual Property Returns.

15. G.O.Ms.No.381, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.18-12-2003 Conduct Rules, 1964 - Certain Amendments.

16. G.O.Ms.No.7, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.16-01-2004 Conduct Rules, 1964 - Amendment.

17. G.O.Ms.No.555, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.14-12-2005 A.P. C.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1964-Amendment to Rule 3.

18. G.O.Ms.No.556, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.14-12-2005 A.P. C.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1964-Amendment to Rule 3.

19. G.O.Ms.No.433, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.24-08-2006 A.P. Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Amendment.

20. Memo.No.30554/Ser.C/2006, G.A. Dept., Dt.24-08-2006 AP Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964-Certain Guidelines.

21. Memo.No.6183/Ser.C/2006, G.A. Dept., Dt.14-09-2006 Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 - Dowry from the personnel seeking appointment.

22. Memo.No.695/Ser.C/2006, G.A. Dept., Dt.12-10-2006 A.P. Civil Services (Conduct Rules) 1964 - Annual Property Returns.

23. GO.Ms.No.681, GA. (Ser-C) Dept., dt.11-09-2007 Enhancement of limit of Purchase to 50,000/-

24. GO.Ms.No.528, GA. (Ser-C) Dept., dt.19-08-2008 Enhancement of limit of Purchase to 1,00,000/-

25. GO.Ms.No.114, GA.(Ser-C) Dept., dt.16-03-2009 Communication of Official documents or information under RTI Act

26. Memo.No:41977/Ser-C/Al/2009, GA., Dept., dt.15-02-2010, Submission of Annual Property Returns

Andhra Pradesh Civil Services Conduct Rules

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